Welcome to the Code of Good Practice for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture (CoGP).

Aquaculture is at the heart of Scottish food production and is one of Scotland’s most important industries. It provides not just internationally renowned food, but also a vitally important contribution to the rural and national Scottish economy.

Scottish finfish aquaculture has world-class standards in line with this Code of Good Practice. It was introduced in 2006 and Salmon Scotland, the British Trout Association and marine flatfish producers all subscribe to it. It is independently audited to ensure that its high standards underpin this successful industry.

Click on the images below to find out more. The Code is presented in easily downloadable chapters. There is also a handy booklet highlighting some of the key aspects of the Code, focusing on farmed Atlantic salmon. Also see the Code in practice on a Scottish salmon farm in our short videos.

CoGP Chapters

Code Introduction

This section describes the rationale behind the Code and its guiding principles.

Code Explanatory & Contextual Notes

These provide supporting and contextual information for the various areas covered within the Code.

Chapter 1: Broodstock Sites

This Chapter covers the specific management of Broodstock Sites and refers to provisions additional to relevant freshwater and seawater criteria.

Chapter 2: Freshwater Tanks, Ponds & Raceways

This Chapter covers the production of fish in freshwater ponds, tanks and raceways.

Chapter 3: Freshwater Lochs

This Chapter covers the production of fish in freshwater lochs.

Chapter 4: Seawater Lochs

This Chapter covers the production of fish in seawater lochs.

Chapter 5: Seawater Tanks

This Chapter covers the production of fish in seawater tanks.

Chapter 6: Processing Sites

This Chapter includes provisions specific to primary processing facilities.

Chapter 7: Company Headquarters

This Chapter covers provisions relevant to company-wide policies and operations.


These provide reference material relevant to aspects of the Code and are referred to within the text.

Area Maps

These illustrate the delineation of Farm Management Areas.

Code of Good Practice Overview

This booklet highlights some of the key aspects of the Code, focusing on farmed Atlantic salmon.


CoGP Media

Fish Healthcare

Fish health and welfare are of paramount importance at every stage of production. Farmers ensure that fish are monitored every day and a number of different types of checks are made to ensure that fish are healthy throughout the production cycle.

Fish Growth & Development

A good diet is essential for healthy growth and development. Fish farmers make sure that the feed is right for each stage of growth and is made of sustainably sourced ingredients. Using the latest feeding and monitoring systems farmers can ensure that the fish are well fed and waste is minimised.